Dr. Manisha Relekar

OxyGeneo Facial: The New Super-facial 


Get exfoliation benefits, deep rejuvenation with essential revitalizing nutrients, and skin oxygenation from within.

OxyGeneo Facials are suitable for all skin types for pigmentation, sensitive skin, and even for those who keloid (scar).

What is OxyGeneo Facial?

An innovative technology for:

  • Skin exfoliation (removal of dead skin cells from the skin surface)
  • To improve skin oxygen levels
  • Infusion of essential nutrients to enrich the skin

Simultaneously skin exfoliation and skin oxygenation optimize the absorption of valuable components into the skin.

OxyGeneo Facial: Exfoliate. Infuse. Oxygenate

Exfoliate, Infuse, and Oxygenate your way to youthful skin.

The OXYGENEO facial offers three primary steps to beautify your skin: exfoliation, oxygenation, and infusion.

Exfoliate – The OXYGENEO treatment starts with exfoliation to gently remove the dead skin cells from the upper layer, make the skin smooth, clean clogged pores, and renew your skin. It generates CO2 bubbles in high amounts to trigger the Bohr Effect, which is a physiological response by the topmost skin layer.

Oxygenate – The Bohr Effect is an oxygenation process for your skin. When it is triggered, O2-rich blood is sent to your skin, and it replaces the CO2. Through this process, the OXYGENEO treatment oxygenates your skin from within, improving cellular activity.

Infuse – Along with oxygenation, OXYGENEO facial also infuses vitamins, nutrients, and other active ingredients. These ingredients not only make your skin healthier and well-nourished, but they also make the skin tone smoother.

After OxyGeneo Facial: Precautions

  • Avoid sun exposure
  • Wear sunscreen when you go outside
  • Avoid wearing makeup for at least 12 hours after the treatment

Benefits of OxyGeneo Facial 

  • Healthy glowing skin
  • Hydration of skin
  • Pigmentation reduction
  • Calms down sensitive and irritated skin
  • Skin Plumping & Hydrating
  • Restored Skin Volume
  • Renewed Youthful Glow
  • Increase collagen production
  • Reduced hyper-pigmentation
  • Reduce wrinkles
  • Safe for all skin types

OxyGeneo Facial: How Does it work?

When the CO2 (Carbon dioxide) concentration increases, the hemoglobin releases oxygen from within. The OxyGeneo creates an abundance of CO2 on the skin that triggers and oxygenates the skin naturally.

Oxygenating the skin is beneficial in all anti-aging and corrective skin procedures.

Advantages of OXYGENEO facial

  • Brighter and healthier-looking face
  • Immediate results, which you can notice after one session
  • Relaxing and soothing
  • Infusion of powerful natural active ingredients that penetrates into the skin
  • Long-term skin appearance and texture improvement
  • Suits all types of skin
  • Requires no downtime after facial

Who are the ideal candidates for the treatment?

  • Any age group, from 13 – 50 or more
  • It is a go-to treatment for even those who have no skin concerns but want to take care of their skin
  • Party facial before any special day as it offers an instant glow and brightness without any downtime
  • For sensitive skin or intolerant dry skin
  • For acne-prone, dull-looking skin
  • For skin that is sensitive to chemical peels

How long does it take to see the result?

The procedure takes about 60-75 minutes. You will be able to notice improvements in your skin texture right after one session of the OXYGENEO treatment. More treatments will only make the improvements better.

How long will the result last?

The longevity of the OXYGENEO treatment results depends on many different factors. As the procedure works from within by using your body’s natural healing process, the final result and its longevity can vary depending on your health and skin type. Also, if you follow a good skincare routine, the result will definitely be longer-lasting. The OXYGENEO treatment effects are also cumulative, which means the result will last longer with more treatments.

Is the treatment safe if you have any existing skin allergies?

It is vital that you mention any allergy you may have during your first visit to the clinic. However, the OXYGENEO treatments have been formulated keeping in mind different skin sensitivities and allergies. Hence, the procedure should be safe for everyone.
